Outline Planning Consent reference 10/01976/OUT for a development of up to 750 homes was granted on 30th October 2012.
The consent was for all the land within the red line shown below and included a new Country Park with a Skate Park and Play Area.
The development was phased over 6 phases and has been delivered by the developers shown below.
Lots 1 & 2
276 homes complete. Open Space managed by CCMC
2 commercial units
Lot 3
74 homes complete.
Open Space managed by The Lanes
Lot 4
27 homes - under construction
Completion expected end 2021
Home Group
Lot 5
240 homes - 2/3rds complete.
Open Space managed by Home Group
Lot 6
128 homes - under construction
Completion expected end 2022
745 homes and 2 commercial units
Under the terms of the Planning Permission the management of the Country Park and other open space is carried out by management companies and funded by the residents through service charges (please see the Service Charge section for details).
Future Planning
After the success of both Channels and Beaulieu Park 2 Chelmsford City are promoter a further expansion of what is now called Chelmsford Garden Community to the North and East of the Channels Estate. This will comprise more housing and more local facilities including an expansion of the Channels Country Park to the North, a new Local Centre, two new Primary Schools and a new Secondary school to the East.
The sketched Masterplan below will evolve through work being done with the Council during 2021.